Friday, June 6, 2008

LG's music phone in China

          LG is pusing heavily on its music phone in China whereas they put a greater effort to promote their touch-screen phone in developed countries. The company stated that they would launch two new phones specialized in playing MP3 and distribute those models in countries like China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Brazile, and Chile.

          The main reason why they are targeting China is that as the country gets developed and have more income annually, they would replace the low-end mobile device and purchase more high-tech goods with more advanced techonology. According to one research, LG already had shipped more than 23.6 million handsets in the first quarter of 2008 to China, compared to 16 million in the same period last year.

          As LG gains more of its popularity in those emerging countries, they are also planning to promote those touch-screen phones called "View." However, some experts advises that LG should remember even though the touch-screen phones are attractive, they do not appeal to everyone in the market; some people just want to have a cellphone that can simply dial and answer the calls.

          I still remember the time when Samsung first introduced its multimedia oriented cell phone to the market and instantly became the hit. When one of my friends started to carry the phone, everyone were almost immediately attracted by it and wanted to buy one for themselves. I think developing countries like China and India are now experiencing the same thing; younger generations are widening their eyes to more various materials and want to have a taste on many new technologies. However, I hope LG would never forget what they had planned for the first time and will keep its good work until it seizes its reputation in those developing countries.

Cho, Jin-seo. "LG Bets Heavily on Music Phones in China" KoreaTimes. 2008/06/04

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